Over the previous 12 editions of the event, Business Review set the spotlight on the achievements of the business community, thus awarding and celebrating the companies, business leaders and entrepreneurs that showed drive and initiative, and who achieved the best results in their class of business during the previous year – 2017.

The remarkable and well applauded effort has only been made possible with the dedication and valuable contribution of the Jury members, which ensured the integrity of the process each year, applying professionals assessments during the nomination and voting stage of the competition. (See the former jury members)

The jury consists of a diverse cohort of top senior professionals representing the business community. The group is assembled for the nomination and voting processes for each of BR Awards individual categories. Qualitative & quantitative assessments will be made for each candidate based on the nominee profile and category requirements.

The Jury:

  • Consists of top senior professionals representing the business community
  • Is to apply qualitative & quantitative assessments for each candidate based on the information they are given
  • Is assembled to nominate and vote the best representative for each category
  • Members of the jury cannot be nominated (as individuals)

The president of the jury will:

  • Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie
  • Have full access to all information submitted by the nominees (directly into the online platform)
  • Supervise the final voting process and scores

Judging process

  • Will consist of two stages as follows: a nomination stage (January 2018) and a review stage (short listing and final vote)
  • Each member of the jury is responsible for their proposals and should nominate candidates which meet the eligibility requirements

The nomination stage:

  • The jury will assemble once for the nomination stage. For each category every member of the jury can propose up to 3 candidates. After the jury meeting, the proposed candidates will receive a standard form to fill in and submit before the second round of the judging process.
  • In case a jury member is representing a company that has been nominated for one or more categories he will not take part at the vote for that specific category (categories)
  • Any company who fits the eligibility requirements can submit an application (self-nomination) at events@business-review.ro or online at www.awards.business-review.ro before the second Jury meeting

Eligibility requirements:

  • Have at least one-year performance history through to December 31st, 2017;
  • Have consistent and positive investment objectives over the past year in accordance with the judging criteria of the specific category they are applying for.

Shortlisting and final voting stage

All candidates will fill-in and submit a standard online form. These standard forms will be the support for the decision taken by the jury during the second meeting. If there are more than 3 nominees in one category, the jury will short list the top 3 by a ranking system previous agreed on, or simply using qualitative assessments.


All information regarding the nominees is confidential and shall not be disclosed by the jury to the public or any other third party.

See the former jury members